PE & Sports Premium

Sprowston Infant School is committed to using the P.E and Sports Premium Funding to enhance and progress the good quality teaching already provided by members of the teaching staff. The school will also use it to increase the opportunities for children to be fit and active.

The money has been spent on new resources for the reception classes, where physical development is a core part of the curriculum and children will have access to them every day. We have also purchased some new P.E equipment to heighten the experience of all children in our school.

The school also believes that encouraging a love and respect for physical activity for life doesn’t just stop at the boundaries of the classroom. Therefore, we are providing more opportunities for focussed play at break and lunchtimes with new resources and staff training.

We have invested some of our money in to external organisations to come in and deliver a variety of activities and after school clubs. We have already had Aspire Dance Studio, World Dance Day and the FA Tesco Football Skills provide the school with PE lessons and there are more planned for this academic year and the next.

Our target is for every child to have the opportunity to be physically active for at least 1 hour a day. To achieve this, we will put more focus on lunchtime activities and after school clubs. These after school clubs will be supported with the new funding and a wider range of physical activities available to try.
