Year 1

Y1 Week beginning 27th April – Year One

This weeks book hook “Message in a Bottle” is all about a Lion that loves music , I wonder if you can make an instrument to play on an island. It could be a shaker , drums or have strings . Maybe you have instruments at home . What music would you play on the island . Imagine you’re on the island with the animals. You could make treasure maps , send your own message in a bottle out to sea, what would you include in the letter ? Would you wish for something . How could you persuade others to join you? If you were alone on the island like lion , what would you do? Keep posting your incredibly creative and imaginative photos and videos on tapestry . You’re all being amazing!!!
There are lots of fun learning opportunities to enjoy with this book. We had planned this to be our ‘book hook’ this week and we wanted the children to imagine they were on a desert island just like Lion. Here are some things you could do at home together:-
You’re all alone on a dersert island, just like lion, you’re going to send a message in a bottle. You’re going to advertise (explain what this word means!) for friends. What will you write and why? Will your writing persuade them to join you? Think about the things you enjoy (oh, and you haven’t got electricity so no ‘playing on my tablet’!). Have fun aging the letter with a teabag and putting it a bottle.
Where is your island? Can you include directions for them to get to it. You could use ‘first’, ‘next’ after that’, ‘finally’ to begin your sentences.
Write a diary, imagine you’re on the island, what do you do each day?
There’s treasure on the island, have fun making a treasure map. There might be other amazing things on the island, include these!
Make instruments to play on the island, can you make up a song or learn a song to play ready for when friends reach you!
As before, these are just ideas. I am also sure that the children will come up with ideas none of us grown up would’ve thought of but are imaginative and fun to do. Keep posting on Tapestry we all love to see what you’ve done.
Year 1

Prefix un

Activity 1 Watch video on YouTube to explain what a prefix is. Watch the video from the beginning, then skip from 0.51 – 1.32. Watch un and then stop the video at 2.05. 

Write these words on a piece of paper to make flash cards;
tie, zip, well, pack, kind, happy.
Child to write the words with the prefix un in front of it. For example untie. How has the meaning of the word changed?

Activity 2 Watch video on YouTube  Read through the prefix un PowerPoint. Complete the activities on slides four and five.

Activity 3
Read through the PowerPoint. Ask your child for the answers for slides two and three. For slide four can you place the words on pieces of paper before your child starts the activity. Can they add un in front of the word. Is the word real or fake? Sort the words into real or fake piles.

Activity 4 Play the word search online to find the un words.  Click on word search small and play as a single player

Activity 5 Play quiz by finding the missing word 

Can you write the sentences;
I am untidy.
On Friday I was unwell.
I need you to untie my skipping rope.
Stop being unkind.


An important part of Year 1 maths is having a secure understanding of number order, knowing 1 more and 1 less than numbers to 100 and beyond, place value and addition and subtracting. Here are some ideas for you to do at home around this. Again, I am not saying you have to do this, I’m giving you activities that are open ended you can do together, don’t involve printing off work sheets (I’m spending a fortune on ink cartridges home schooling my Year 2 btw!). These activities will, hopefully get them thinking about numbers, place value, the relationship between numbers and adding and subtracting. Stay safe and keep in touch via tapestry!
Activity 1.
I love this game and we play it a lot at school, all you need to play it is a piece of paper (see the pic attached) and numbers 1-9 written on some pieces of paper or cards. Shuffle the numbers and place them in a pile face down. Decide who’s going first you or your child. The aim is to make the biggest 2 digit number you can. Take it in turns until you’ve placed the 4 cards down to make your numbers. It’s open ended and you can talk a lot about the numbers. Who won? Why did they win? How many tens and ones are in each number? What is the difference between the 2 numbers? Is it an even number? Is it odd? How do you know? If you put the 9 in the tens first can you be beaten? How do you know? Extend and play with 3 digits numbers, add more cards.

Activity 2 “Two Dice” etc Maths with dice. We use dice a lot in class for maths and there is a BRILLIANT website I often go to for maths activities. It’s free, there is no annoying log in details bit, but there are lots of superb open ended games to stretch the children. Here’s the link  Any questions about this website, any difficulties finding the dice games, just send me a message on tapestry.

Activity 3
One more and one less numbers around the house. Start with your front door. I live at number 9. Can the children say what is one more and one less than 9? There are numbers all over the house, can they go on a number hunt? Are they big numbers? Help them with the 100s especially on foods eg 250g. But focus on numbers to 99. If they know what 1 more and 1 less is for say, 45 can they extend this and find 10 more and 10 less, this is something we have done at school.

Activity 4
Another great game from the Nrich website is “Tug of War” . Google “Tug of war nrich” and you’re there. It’s easy to adapt. Now, you probably haven’t got a numberline at home, just draw one on paper 0 to 20. Put a counter on 10. One of you is subtracting and the other adding. If you’re adding you need to get to 20 and if they are subtracting their goal is to get to 0. Take it turns and jump that many either forwards or backwards. Again, this can be adapted, can they write sums which match their rolls eg 10+3 = 13. Can you change the rules? Ask them how they would like to change the rules, use bigger numbers eg 0-50 and starting on…well, ask them where they think they should start.